I'm afraid I'm forgoing the usual weekend update. Here's the truth, should you want to hear it - I've been very pressed for time over the last fortnight or so, and simply haven't had the time to digitise the teetering pile of vinyl which presently sits over by the old Elizabethan Astronaut record player in my front room. Also, finding cheap, interesting material over the last month or so has been a massive chore, and rather than upload any old toss, it's probably better to have a brief breather for today.
But while you're here - a mystery has reared its head. On several blogs, the mp3 you see at the bottom of this page has been credited as being "Oo Chang A Lang" by The Blue Orchids. It's a brilliant piece of garage punk riffery which seems to predate Riot Grrrl by several decades, and sounds defiantly abrasive. There's a small problem, though. It's not "Oo Chang A Lang" by The Blue Orchids. This is "Oo Chang A Lang" by the Blue Orchids, a piece of cod-Spectorism which is innocent and puppy-eyed, and couldn't sound less like the track I've got in mind.
So, who is the track by, and when was it released? If a reader is able to put me out of my misery, I'd be a happy man. It probably will turn out to be an embarrassingly obvious answer I should know already, but I'm prepared to weather that.
Nobody? Oh.
It post-dates Riot Grrrl I'm afraid. "No More To Say" by The Diaboliks, from this 1996 album.
Thanks so much for resolving that mystery... I have to wonder how it ended up on several websites as being a Blue Orchids single from 1965, but no doubt it's just something which was replicated several times over by different posters copying the original error.
None of the above stops it from being a good track, though.
This is featured on the great Girls in The Garage album - uncredited, I think, but on the same side as the brilliant take on No No No by Kim & Grim. I always thought it was Thee Headcoatees and bunged on the end as a makeweight to confuse the purists. Shows how much I know!
This is featured on the great Girls in The Garage album - uncredited, I think, but on the same side as the brilliant take on No No No by Kim & Grim. I always thought it was Thee Headcoatees and bunged on the end as a makeweight to confuse the purists. Shows how much I know!
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